Brrr… it was COLD.
It was my first time in St. Louis, and I dealt with more driving in the snow than I could’ve asked for. Usually, when I travel I think of a few places I can take the cutouts. I’m not an adventurer, and rather like established tourist traps, so for my St. Louis list I had (a) Gateway Arch, (b) St. Louis Zoo, (c) St. Louis Art Museum, and (d) St. Louis Science Center.
Gateway Arch, St. Louis Zoo, Saint Louis Science Center
February 9 – 11, 2014
Gettig the Gateway Arch photo was the toughest. It was hard to approach from the city-side, so I had to drive across the river and sneak into a closed park. I took my one surviving picture of the cutouts and was escorted to my car by the security officer.
The Art Museum was closed, so I had to scratch that off the list. I went to the Zoo and Science Center twice (once on Feb 10 and the exact same course on the 11th) for no apparent reason. I really liked both places, so it compelled me to go twice. Both places were fairly empty, especially the zoo. I had a good time enjoying the place to myself and the cutouts. I took a picture of the cutouts with their ancestor dinos, but I’m not sure if Chewie and Dante would agree on T-Rex as their ancestor.
x Birdmom
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