Taipei, Taiwan
July 12, 2018
Taiwan trip almost got re-routed because there was a typhoon going through the region while I was flying in. Aside of all the worries, the sky was crystal clear after the rain and wind had swept all the pollution away and the stay in Taipei was SUPER.
First thing is the fruit. OMG. I went back and forth to the hotel buffet to get pineapple multiple times, during every morning of my stay there. I can’t believe how juicy and buttery soft the fruit are. Of all the things, I always talk about fruit in Taiwan.
I spent an insane amount of time at wooderful life, buying up so many cute pieces. If you’re ever in Taiwan, make sure to visit their showroom/shop and you can customize your very musicbox(es), or just buy the individual pieces for keepsake. Pre-assembled music boxes (and some limited editions) are also sold inside the airport terminal shops before departure.
I also visited the night market but didn’t take any pictures of the cutout.
x birbmom
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